Defra are running sector-specific online training sessions (free) in March and April to prepare traders for the UK’s new Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) import controls (certification and border checks) within the new Border Target Operating Model (BTOM).
Register here.
BTOM Guidance Leaflets
🇬🇧 Border Target Operating Model: information leaflets for businesses
🇩🇪 Border Target Operating Model: Merkblätter für Unternehmen
🇪🇸 Modelo Operativo de Objetivos Fronterizos (BTOM): folletos informativos para empresas
🇫🇷 Border Target Operating Model (Modèle opérationnel cible des frontières) : dépliants d’information pour les professionnels du commerce
🇮🇹 Border Target Operating Model: opuscoli informativi per imprese
🇳🇱 Border Target Operating Model: informatie voor bedrijven
🇵🇱 Border Target Operating Model, czyli docelowy model operacyjny dla funkcjonowania przejść granicznych: ulotki informacyjne dla podmiotów gospodarczych