Titanium dioxide (E171) to be banned as a food additive in the EU

Published by SIPA

Titanium dioxide (TiO2, E171) is a food colour that is permitted in some processed seafood products. The European Commission is expected to ban its use next year.

Member states voted to ban its authorisation on 7 October 2021 at a meeting of the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed. After a period of scrutiny, it is expected that the Commission will adopt a regulation in the beginning of 2022 that will remove its authorisation for use in foods. It is expected that there will be a phasing-out period of about 6 months following the date of application of the new regulation.

Although it is not widely used in seafood that is on the EU market, titanium dioxide (E171) is permitted at quantum satis in:

  • surimi and similar products
  • salmon substitutes based on Theragra chalcogramma, Pollachius virens and Clupea harengus
  • fish paste and crustacean paste
  • precooked crustacean
  • smoked fish
  • fish roe except sturgeon’s eggs (caviar)

See also: SIPA information on the Additive Regulation (Regulation 1333/2008).