Published by SIPA
You are invited to send in questions regarding seafood trade with South and South-East Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. This is in anticipation of a meeting between FRUCOM and the Head of Unit in DG TRADE with responsibility for these countries. Please direct your questions to me (Ivan Bartolo,, and I’ll pass them on to FRUCOM.
This is the item in the FRUCOM Newsletter of 9 September 2024:
FRUCOM members are reminded to share any questions or concerns on trade with Southeast Asian countries for an exchange with the Head of Unit in DG TRADE for South and South-East Asia, Australia, and New Zealand.
This includes markets with existing trade agreements, such as Vietnam, others where discussions are ongoing, such as India, the Philippines, Thailand, and those benefiting from market access under the Generalised Scheme of Preferences including Bangladesh, Cambodia, Myanmar, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
Members are especially encouraged to bring questions on product or market specific issues for seafood products, nuts, and processed fruits and vegetables:
-food safety
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